Happy Monday!
Can we dive right into our weekly Monday check-in?
Pause for a second.
Dial in.
How are you?
What’s happening with you today?
If it feels good you can even close your eyes, take a deep breath, and dig a little deeper.
I hope you’re doing well. But if the answer you received from within was “not so great,” that’s ok, too. You’re here, and that’s a blessing, even when it doesn’t feel like it. I mean it. I think you’re amazing, however you show up.
And I’m grateful for the opportunity to expand this Monday motivation to more than just a newsletter.
If you missed it, Monday motivation is going LIVE! Our journey together begins next week, February 26th at 9:30 am EST on ZOOM. Together, we’ll hold space, meditate, explore, and share (for those that feeled called to)!
No matter where you are on your journey, I invite you to join the community!

Subscribe to my newsletter to receive the link to join! —> https://cultivateyourwellness.com/guided_meditation-2/
Feel free to share with others you think might be interested.
And for those who can’t make it, meetings will be shared in our private Facebook group. I’ll share that link during the week!
I’m so excited to be sharing this step on your journey with you. If you have any questions or would like to meet privately, contact me!
And for now, have a beautiful week! To those with kiddos off from school, enjoy their precious innocence, and the opportunity to practice patience! (I know mine will be challenged). And to those without little humans, enjoy your quiet time. It’s in the dull moments where the most clarity resides. And remember to practice patience with yourself!
Much love to you! And I’ll see you soon!