Happy Monday!

And Happy Fall!

It’s been a while since we did a check-in together, so let’s start there today.

Take a slow and intentional breath, turn your attention inward, and ask yourself, “How are you?”

Resist the typical “fine” we give to most people when they ask us how we’re doing. This isn’t small talk. Hold space for yourself this morning and answer as if you were speaking to a trusted friend.

“How are you?”

What we’re practicing here is not only a deeper connection with our experience in the present but also a genuine caring for ourselves. We’re offering ourselves a moment to just be, as we are, and to express whatever comes up, without judgment, without fear of how it may be received. We’re allowing those feelings to exist and trusting that no matter what they are, we will be ok and we will be loved.

I understand this may be a challenge for some of us. We’re taught from a young age to push our feelings aside – to show up with positivity and poise in every moment – to not be a burden on others – to show face. We need to remind ourselves that even the brightest light will sometimes appear dim. And these are the times to rest – if not your body, then at least your heart. Offer yourself the grace to just be.

I’m reminded of the lyrics to a Mumford and Sons song:

Don’t hold a glass over the flame

Don’t let your heart grow cold

I will call you by name

I will share your road

This song gives me hope. It reminds me of the darkness that does not need to be navigated alone – whether it be with a trusted friend, your Creator, or even a stranger – these are those that will gladly travel this journey beside us. We begin to believe this when we first learn to create and hold space for ourselves.

I posted a new meditation to assist you in this practice. It’s a 15-minute guided meditation, where we use the breath to create space in the body. You will practice experiencing that space, connecting with it, softening into it. It is an opportunity to practice finding comfort in our internal space and in the space we take up.

You can listen to it on Youtube and InsightTimer.

I hope it helps you navigate the rest of your day with ease.

Have a beautiful week and beginning of a new Season!

Bye for now.
