Happy Monday!
Did last week feel like a blur for anyone else? I spent so much time gathering and being social. It was a great, but I’m also happy to be starting a new week a little more centered…a little more slowed down…a little more quiet. It’s the balance of this relaxation that allows me to thrive.
If you know me socially, you’ll know I’m loud. I like to be funny. I’m adventurous. I’m an extrovert in a lot of ways. But I also enjoy sitting back and watching the scene – taking a deep breath and soaking in all the vibes.
It’s taken me years to figure out the best combination of balance for myself. We don’t always know what’s best for us. Sometimes it takes some reflection.
On Thursday, 9-year old Jospehine said to me, “You know mom, we can’t see ourselves with our eyes…and sometimes, you might look at my face and see that it looks sad, and ask me what’s wrong…but I don’t always see that, and maybe I don’t always know what’s wrong.” This sentiment comes from a very sensitive and wise child who’s just beginning to figure herself out. I applaud her willingness to be candid and explore her thoughts openly with me. It doesn’t always come easy. Not for her. Definitely for me. Navigating our thoughts, our feelings, and what we know in our hearts can sometimes be confusing. Taking quiet moments to gather ourselves and look deeper inward helps. Sometimes, even the simplest answers can really only be found when we’re looking for them.
This week’s meditation is an opportunity to relax into stillness and use your mind’s eye to scan your body and connect with what you’re feeling, on any level. Perhaps it will give you a new perspective on what it means to be in your body, to be you. I hope you enjoy.
When you’re done, spend a few minutes journaling about the experience. What did you feel? What thoughts came up for you?
If you had a positive experience with this and any other meditation, please share them in the comments or send me a message. I’d love to hear from you!
Well, that’s all from me. I hope you have a great week. Don’t forget to gift yourself with those precious moments and maybe peek a little more inward to check in with how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling good, don’t be afraid to let it shine on the outside. We love to see you smile! And if things aren’t so great, that’s ok, too. We all have tender days. Give yourself grace and steady your stride. You’ll start to see your way through.
Be well, my friend.