Hello, hello. Happy Monday!

It’s quiet and cloudy on the island today. The perfect energy through which to mindfully ease into a new week. I know some people don’t love Mondays. The alarm that goes off too early. The reminders of responsibilities. The rush into a new work week.

But Monday is also an opportunity to start fresh. To set our intentions into motion and begin again. When you look at it like that, perhaps everyday can be Monday. The first day of the rest of your life, as they say.

Either way Monday is just another day. And it’s the mindset we bring that matters most.

So what are you bringing to the table today?

I’ll offer you this exercise to help you practice.

Stop whatever you’re doing for a moment. Take a deep breath and witness yourself as you are for a moment. Navigate the sensations. What does it feel like to be your body? And watch your thoughts. Where does the mind want to wander? While resisting the urge to judge or change anything, take note of what you discover.

Now breathe into it. Allow the breath to create more space in your body. Space for you to inhabit – alongside the thoughts and sensations. See yourself existing in that space – spreading out – feeling open. Exploring the space. Realize you are more than just the thoughts and sensations. And if you begin to feel like there’s not enough room, go back to the breath. Follow it in and out for a few rounds. Invite the mind and the body into this stillness.

If it takes time for you to feel confident with this practice, that’s ok. Stay aware of what you discover. When we learn to witness ourselves in this way, it can lead to great discoveries – ways in which we can grow and change and bring more of what we wish to experience in our lives.

After a while you may start to look forward to Mondays – to everyday.

If you’d like to spend a bit more time with this meditation – here’s a video to guide you. 

And did you know my meditations are also on InsightTimer? Click below to follow me.

Alright,  my friend. Have a beautiful week! I look forward to sharing with you again soon.

Bye for now.