There’s nothing like the feeling I get from a clean room. Knowing that everything is tidy and no chores are left to be done is a beautiful thing… and an intricate part of my path to wellness.  But lately I have a battling relationship with my broom and spray bottle. Partly because I’m slowly moving away from chemical cleaning products but was unsure of what to replace them with, or using power washing services from sites is a great option for this as well. But also because I’ve just been lazy busy. Either way, I’m growing tired of knowing there is work to be done and can’t stand seeing any kind of mess in my way so I’m buckling down and starting a chore schedule.  I’ve never really scheduled my chores before, or at least not since I was a kid. And I’m not too good at sticking to a schedule that no one but myself is making sure I follow. (Actually, I don’t think I’m very good at it when there is someone either.) Regardless…it’s time for change and change I shall attempt.

Here’s how I figured out my new cleaning routine:

Task #1:

Find the tools with which to clean

TLC offers the 10 Green Home Cleaning Tips with instructions on how to use “The Fantastic Four cleaners” (vinegar, salt, lemon juice, and baking soda) for every room in your house. These ingredients are not only safe for your family and your environment but they are a heck of a lot cheaper and sometimes more effective then their toxic counterparts. Add a broom, some spray bottles, a few old rags, and a bucket and I’ve got myself a defense against any dust or dirt that dares to settle on my surroundings.

Task #2:

Learn how to clean

I’m actually pretty good at deep cleaning but I my skills haven’t been helping me so much on the day-to-day. I found the help I needed on in badbadivy’s post  “Clean like a maid.” She taught me “top to bottom” and “left to right.” Two obvious cleaning techniques that I obviously needed to be reminded of. She also recommended cleaning on a weekly schedule.

Task #3

Set a schedule to clean

If my life were anything close to a set schedule right now, this would be an easier task, but since I’m not always sure of where I may be on any given day, it’s difficult to designate a specific day for cleaning. So I designated every day. To each day I assigned a set of chores based on difficulty and expected necessity. I wrote it all down in a journal and then downloaded the Chore Checklist app to my phone so I can check off accomplished tasks and set reminders as needed.

So that’s my new goal. I’m hoping for the best. I figure if I start doing a little bit each day than it won’t take up too much of my time and I won’t really have to do much “deep cleaning.” It’s an effort. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Happy Dusting!