Missed me? 2012 was a whirlwind…but a good one. Want highlights? Sure, why not.

Earth and Air expanded to a larger space (which we’re already outgrown!)

I planned a wedding and GOT MARRIED! Eeeek!

We moved to a cutey little cottage near town.


The All-Star and I became an aunt and uncle!

Super great year. And now onto 2013, which I believe will be equally as magical!

So how did I start off the New year? Being quite lazy I must admit, accept for a little bit of mouse clicking to satisfy my love of online shopping. But it wasn’t all frivolous, we need a lot of new things for the new place. Okay, we don’t need. But I want! I also want to get organized and stop being so lazy and I believe my purchases will help me achieve that. I also make my home look PRETTY!! 🙂

I’m not sure if my online shopping obsession is all about the actual purchases I’m making or about me enjoying time spent on my computer. In attempt to validate the latter, last night I put my energies to good use and finally start meal planning. I’d made up a cute template last month ago that I altered from another one that I obtained somewhere (sorry to the person who deserves the credit – I forget who you are. But a lot of my inspiration came from this gal.)

I realized that in order to keep us fed and stocked with food that I would need a better plan than the one we had in place which was essentially…”John (that’s the All-Star. Should I be calling him Mr. the All-Star now that we’re married?), John we need food. Can you go shopping?” And then he goes shopping and we have a lot of food in the fridge but minimal plan on what to do with it and sometimes, I’m afraid to admit, a few items never make it to the dinner table and instead feed the worms that are hopefully helping to decompose that plastic bottle I threw out a few weeks ago because there was no recycling bin at that park. Insert guilty face here. :/

I’ve made a few weekly meal plans before but none this organized and I had so much fun with it that I decided to go ahead and plan the next three weeks, accompanied by a shopping list and also what we had on hand. Those lists may change obviously as we ingest all the goods but it’s nice to have a basis. I personally strongly dislike hate food shopping. If only I could food shop from my couch in my pajamas…

So now it’s Monday and I’ve got my meal plans and my shopping list and I wrote it out all nice for the All-Star, along with the recipe for the meal he will be making tonight since I’m working late, and we are good to go!!

Because I know you want to see it, here’s my plan for this week.


Sorry if it take a few clicks to get to…I’m new at the whole pdf thing. But check out how I linked the recipes to their source. Oh yea, it feels good!

I’m excited for this new organization of our eating habits. I hope it sticks. At least we know it will for  the next three weeks!