Monday Motivation #106

Happy Monday!

And Happy December!

It sure crept up on us didn’t it? Much like it does. Much like life does.

It’s funny how often life comes as a surprise, especially when it stays so very much the same.

The days come and go.

Are you like me and find yourself just going through the motions sometimes – and you’re too lost in thought or caught up in feelings to notice. That’s when life creeps up the most – when we forget to pay attention. When we lose sight of what is – and how special it can be.

There’s a meme I like that shows someone with a look of amazement on their face and the caption reads, “Me looking at the full moon like I haven’t seen it every month for my entire life.”

For me it’s one of those funny-because-it’s-true memes we love to share.

I truly stop in my tracks every time a full moon is out. Heck, everytime I see the moon in any stage. Then I point and make sure everyone I’m with sees it too. My heart fills with joy and wonder – so much that I wish I could just bottle it up and carry it with me in my pocket forever. I even take pictures in an attempt to do so.

I’m grateful for the moon and the way it forces me to pause for joy.

Perhaps there’s something that’s like this for you. Maybe it’s the moon too, or a flower in your garden you look forward to each year. Maybe it’s the smile on your grandchild’s face that reminds you of how precious and good this life really is. What stops you in your tracks? What reminds you to notice?

I know life can feel like a train sometimes – filled with checkpoints where we just stamp our ticket and continue on, day after day until it’s our turn to get off. But what if instead of just waiting or wishing for the next stop, we peered out the window and watched the landscape. Even when it’s time to get your ticket stamped – what if instead of just getting online we paused to look around first? What might we find there? And what meaning can it bring to the journey? Maybe you’ll see the moon is there – or something new you never noticed before – something you never knew would create space for a pause.

I invite you to set the intention, especially during this holiday season, to pay attention a bit more, and take note of what you see. What brings you pause, and what brings you joy? Give yourself permission to open your eyes wide with wonder each time you see it. Allow yourself a pause for joy.

Have a great week my friend. Enjoy the marvelousness because it is there – sometimes even in the most ordinary of things! And if things are dark right now – trust that’s part of the cycle too. We won’t always feel joy – but it can and will return – just like the moon. Don’t forget to stop and notice.

Much love.


Bye for now.