Monday Motivation #113
Happy Tuesday!
Did you miss me yesterday?
My children were home from school and we had a snowfall overnight – a combination you’d think would bring lots of joy to the morning. Instead it was filled with tears and confrontation, and I spent the better part of my day trying to discover the reasons for my youngest daughter’s frustration.
In the end I realized she had an expectation of the kind of fun she would have that day and was not happy being thrown out in the cold to find her own bliss. Perhaps being born a California girl has softened her ability to fully embrace a snow day. Maybe kids these days don’t know how to entertain themselves. Or perhaps it’s because she’s seven and deserves some grace.
Whatever the reason, it got me thinking about my own expectations and how I respond when I’m met with an alternative. There’s a quote often credited to the Buddha that says,
“Peace begins when expectations end.”
At first this quote makes me think that we should just let go of all expectations. Certainly that is a lesson we could all benefit from. But what I’d like to lean into more is the idea of letting the expectation go after the fact. I think that is where the path to true peace begins.
It’s easy to say, just don’t expect anything, live in the moment – that will lead you to a more peaceful realm. But that’s not the way of the world we exist in. We are constantly being pulled out of the present and we’re constantly met with disappointment. I think it’s naive to think we can be turned away from that all of the time.
True healing and peace occur when we learn to experience those expectations and the disappointments that arise when they aren’t met – when we’re pulled from the present and faced with our discomforts – and we let those feelings go.
You thought something would go one way and it didn’t. You’re experiencing discomfort and it’s difficult. Now what? Do we stew in those feelings? Let them keep us from moving forward? From learning? From peace?
Or do we pause,
Acknowledge our pain.
Let go of the expectation of what is already gone.
And begin again.
Sure it would be great to save ourselves from discomfort. It would certainly make life easier. But since it’s unlikely to happen, let’s give ourselves some grace and practice overcoming what occurs and returning to what we know to be true – that the present is all that we truly have. Let the present moment be where the expectation ends. Find grace in knowing that regardless of whatever life throws at us, despite the pain and suffering we all must endure, the present moment is a gift where we can find solitude. And it’s always there for us. Even when we lose sight of it.
I know that sounds like a lot. Especially when you’re struggling. But maybe just try it for a minute.
Close your eyes.
Connect with your senses.
Heighten your awareness of the present.
And see what you can let go of.
I promise with practice this can give you the strength to tackle whatever life throws at you.
And remember, you always have the breath. Trust that everytime you return to it, you are nurturing that sacred space within – a place of peace.
Here’s a guided meditation to help you get started.

As always, I hope you have a beautiful week, my friend. May you find moments of peace wherever you can.
Much love.
Bye for now.