
Happy Monday! And Happy October!

How are you today?


My nervous system seems to be set to “high” this morning, so I’m navigating the day slowly. Or as slow as I can with two children and a full schedule to manage. I will it was rocky start, but now that I have this quiet moment, I’m doing my best to lean into the discomfort.

Discovering it’s why and being gentle with the answer.

Being kind to myself, just as I would a friend.

I think sometimes we forget to connect within first. There’s this urge to look outside of ourselves for comfort when we feel lost or overwhelmed on our path. We forget we hold the truth behind our stories. Emotions muddy up the pages sometimes. But the answers we seek are there. Giving ourselves the grace to pause can help make them clearer.

Just writing this newsletter to you today has helped steady my stride.

Perhaps journaling might be helpful for you too. If you’re feeling stuck in a cycle of discomfort, ask yourself these questions?

“How am I doing? Is there anything I need right now?”

Lend yourself your hand. And an ear to listen. A shoulder to cry on. We’re not looking for solutions really. Just a soft place to land, without expectations, without judgment – just a deeper connection within.

Ok, my friend. Thank you for being here and for being you. I hope to see your beautiful face on Wednesday. Have a beautiful rest of your day.

Bye for now!