by Laura | Nov 18, 2009 | Cultivate Your Wellness, Food
Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I have to eat poorly. There’s always something in the fridge to grab in a pinch and with a little creativity, it’s usually delicious and always nutritious. Today was definitely one of those random grab and...
by Laura | Sep 23, 2009 | Life
Fall is here! The long warm days are almost gone (except for in So. Cal where I’m still sweating! It was 99° today!). My fortunate friends and relatives on the East coast will soon be enjoying the brilliant colors of autumn, and eventually, even here,...
by Laura | Sep 14, 2009 | Food
Whenever I have some time in the am, I love to make myself a frittata. It’s easier to prepare than an omelet, no flipping involved, and it can feed more than one person, no more letting my serving get cold while I prepare one for Mr. Right. The frittata is...