Hello! Happy Monday!

I hope you’re well and had a lovely weekend! Mine was, you guessed it, busy as usual and Monday arrived much too quickly, but here we are, and I am grateful!

Speaking of gratitude…how’s the 21-Day Gratitude Challenge going for you? It’s only Day 4 and I’m already finding gratitude sneaking its way more regularly into my interactions with myself and with others. If you’re participating, keep it up! If not, I’d love for you to join us. CLICK HERE

I had the opportunity this weekend to meet over ZOOM with some of my wonderful teachers and colleagues. We discussed different challenges in our businesses and our practices. It’s always great to meet with those who have paved their own path before you. It’s inspiring to hear their insight…and their vulnerabilities. I asked them how they balance the business side of wellness and the practice itself, as this is something I’ve struggled with lately. So often when I sit down to meditate, the ideas begin to flood in – and they are often good ideas, so I don’t want to set them aside – but I know I can’t always be working. I need to make room for stillness. The panel was so authentic in their answers, sharing that they too experience this struggle. And all their responses led to a conclusion which was obvious but still one I needed to hear. Any idea what it was?

Keep practicing.

Keep setting aside the time.

Keep showing up.

The thoughts of the mind will always be there. They don’t define us but they are part of who we are. Especially those “greatest hits,” – which for me always include my work. What we need to do is practice weaving through those thoughts just like we do any others. And maybe switch it up a little. If you usually meditate in the same place, it might be getting stale. Find a new special spot! Or lengthen the time you spend in stillness. Let those greatest hits play out and see what happens next. And if you need to have a pen and paper nearby to jot down those ground-breaking ideas, which often do come up in stillness, that’s ok too.

This is your practice.

Your wellness.

Make it work for you!

So along with the daily gratitude practice we’re cultivating, I’ll be adding some more time and intention to my meditation practice as well. I’m sure it will be a challenge. It’s a busy time of year and the first thing to go when we’re busy is our self-care. All the more reason to stay dedicated. Let’s together make a promise that we’ll continue to pay attention to our own needs, along with the needs of others.

Oh! One more thing before I leave you to the rest of your day! I’m excited to announce that my new IN-PERSON office hours begin tomorrow. You can find me at the Fire and Ice Wellness Lounge in Wantagh on Tuesdays and Fridays. I’ll be offering Acupuncture as well as Guided Meditation and Life Balance Coaching.

CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE. And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I love to hear from you!

Alright, my friend! Have a beautiful, beautiful week. I promise you’ll find a new guided meditation on Youtube coming soon! So be on the lookout. If you aren’t already subscribed, you can do that HERE!

Much love


Bye for now