Happy Monday!

I hope you had a peaceful weekend. I know there’s a lot going on right now – peace may feel difficult to find. But that’s the practice, right? Finding ease within the dis-ease – calm within the chaos. 

I talk a lot about wintering and I feel like I’m reminded daily about how deep within this winter we are. Yet today, despite the cold, the sun seemed to shine especially bright – almost blinding as it reflected off the remaining snow from last week’s dusting. It’s a reminder that even though we may still feel the chill of Winter, the sun is there to keep the earth warmed just enough for us to trust that Spring will indeed come

In the Taoist philosophy we would call this the balance of Yin and Yang. Within the cold depths of Winter, there is a warmth that remains – and it continues to grow until it reaches its own peak in Summer, and the cycle continues. Perfectly in sync within itself – ebbing and flowing. Always changing. 

Though it may not always feel true, we are the same – our bodies governed by the balance of yin and yang – one unable to exist without the other – ever changing in its quest for equilibrium.

It reminds me that even in the darkest of moments, there is a light that remains. Peace is when we recognize where we are in cycle – when we accept the discomfort, let go of the narrative it so often carries, and be still in the moment. See if the body and mind can return back to a level of balance where you can begin again. Where we can remember that all winters pass. Just as the springs, and summers, and falls. Though glimmers of each may remain, nothing is constant. It’s all ever changing.

In the next few weeks, you may notice the crocus begin to appear. May they be a reminder to you that from the pause comes action. From reflection comes clarity. From darkness comes light. 

Here is a guided meditation to help you pause and reconnect within. It is an opportunity to regain a feeling of calm and clarity in stillness. 

I hope it leaves you with a sense of peace and equanimity. 

Until next week, be well. 

Bye for now.
