Monday Motivation #107
Happy Monday!
We have arrived again, and it’s time to check it.
Invite in the breath. Pause. And let it out. Ahhhh.
How are you today? What’s happening in your corner of the universe?
There’s always so much happening in mine, especially this time of year. So much so that I found it difficult to arrive here this morning. I’m working on quieting my mind and my body today – a counter balance to the buzz of the past week. I woke up feeling almost hungover from it all – which makes sense now that I reflect on the words I’ve already chosen to describe it. The weekends are often drunk with energy and of course that can leave us feeling groggy. I realize perhaps I didn’t take quite as many mindful breaks as I should have. It’s easy to forget. So here I am today. Beginning again. Taking a pause. Paying attention. Sharing with you.
So my question for today is, how do we pay attention in the present when the present feels chaotic? What do we direct our attention towards in order to take the pause?
We turn our attention to the breath.
Closing our eyes if we can.
Taking a breath in.
Noticing the sensations of the body. The thoughts of the mind. The feelings of our spirit.
And as we breathe out again – inviting the pause.
Letting it all go – even if just for a moment.
You know when you come home from shopping and you’re trying to carry all the bags in at once? And as soon as you get through the door, you just let them go? It’s like that.
We’re carrying so much with us all the time. Our thoughts, our struggles, the energy of others. Imagine with the outbreath that you’re just letting it all go. And of course some of it you’ll have to pick up again. You can’t just leave that ice cream melting by the front door. But you don’t have to pick it up all at once again either. Give yourself the grace to take on what you can – and leave the rest for when you’re ready. Or ask for help! I’m always here, and I’d love to hear from you!
Be well this week, my friend. Remember to pause. Remember to breathe. Remember to just be.
Much Love!
Bye for now.