I am once again neglecting my writing. But outside the world of blogging, etc, I’ve been a busy bee. There are just aren’t enough hours in a day to do it all, especially since I’m still not getting up two hours before I have to leave the house. Fortunately this is all about to change..and for two reasons. The first…I love to share my thoughts and wisdom, no matter how many people actually sit down to read it. And the second…There’s going to be another challenge. Hooray! Luckily no amount of bone breaking can put a stop to this one. The challenge I speak of? Drum roll please. A thirty day vegan diet. Clap, clap, clap!!!
It all started last weekend when I attended “Vital Signs,” a continuing education event hosted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine where several innovative and inspiring physicians, including Dean Ornish, MD, John McDougall, MD and Neal Barnard, MD, spoke to us about the benefits of a plant based diet. Their research is compelling and their claims are pretty undeniable. Will I be converting to vegan now? Not necessarily. At least not yet. Let’s get through the challenge first and then we’ll see. Either way I’m happy and able to continue my nutrition education. And who better than myself to test it out on.
The best part, though, is I won’t be alone. Several patients and practitioners at The Healing Sanctuary have agreed to accept the challenge. It’s very exciting and I’m looking forward to the outcomes. Tomorrow I’m meeting with Pamela Jacobson, successful acupuncturist and owner of The Healing Sanctuary, to discuss the guidelines for the challenge. We’ll be posting regularly on both our websites and encouraging those involved to post as well. June 1st is our anticipated start date. We’ll be spending the next month and a half making sure that we’ve got all our bases covered. We’ve even got the All-Star on board. I don’t believe every part of this challenge will be easy, but I do expect it to be fun, and best of all – HEALTHY!
And to all you vegan readers out there, your suggestions and support are greatly welcomed and appreciated.
SO…although the challenge has not officially kicked off, tonight’s dinner fits the bill.
Trader Joe’s 17 Bean and Barley Mix. Made with carrots, onions and vegetable broth. Not much bad you can say about that. Stay tuned for challenge guidelines and, as always, trail markers for a path to wellness.