Permission to Think and Reflect

I often talk to my patients about the importance of meditation. The benefits can be ground-breaking but for many the task is easier said than done. The most common frustration I hear and am often faced with myself is, “I can’t shut off my brain.”  A...

Great Start for Week 2 and Day 8

Last night’s recharge meditation was just what I needed.  Today I feel great and this morning I woke up ready to start a new day and a new Challenge week.  Today’s fitness activity was a 2 1/2 mile run to the beach and back.  My new neighborhood is so...

And on the 7th Day She Rested…In a Final Pose

To balance the hardcore workout that took place yesterday, The Kahuna wisely advised me to challenge myself in a different way today.  While it is important for me to be successful in this fitness endeavor and continue to be active each day, it is also important to...

Challenge – Day 3

Major challenge accomplishment for me today.  The alarm went off at 6:23.  I hit the snooze once but by 6:45 I was in sneakers and on the move.  I went the same route as on Day 1.  It was not my intention but I even shaved a few minutes off my time.  The temperature...

All it Takes is the First Breath

Meditation: what does this word mean to you? Is it a way to relieve stress, find peace, reach enlightenment? For some, it may sound like something only for yogi masters or monks in the Himalayas. For me, meditation is about finding a quiet place and resting there a...