Another Challenge?

Last week I was in a particularly sour mood and complained to The All-Star that I was feeling uninspired. Being the problem solving kinda of guy that he is, he suggested I do another challenge. A challenge? Hmm… You may remember my last two challenges. The first...

Remember the Lesson from the Lizard

Yesterday, while heading out for the afternoon, I also stepped on this little guy. He was just chilling on the steps, not really caring what was going on around him. He didn’t move a muscle while I took his picture. He just followed me curiously with his eyes....

I am Grateful

Last night I stumbled upon a wonderful blog called Maxabella Loves and her I am grateful…list!  This witty and inspiring blogger encourages us to enjoy the little things that make life so imperfectly wonderful. Today I am grateful for the sky. As I lay here in...

A Non-Routine for Stress Relief

Hey folks, it’s me, Laura, and I’m stressed. But aren’t we all?  It’s just part of life.  But that doesn’t mean I should ignore it. My body has been telling me that I’ve got to do something now to manage it. The obvious idea came to...