Education & Insight

Cultivating Delights

Hello, my friend! Happy Monday! I hope you’ve had a good week and found reasons to smile. I know this can be difficult at times. And though it can feel easier to lament, it's the delights that really keep us going – that give us a reason to pause and take notice. I’ve...

Looking Back

Happy Monday! How do you feel today? Where are you on your path? Mine feels a bit windy and unclear, and this week, I found myself looking back. I try to live each day in the present. But sometimes it's helpful to look back at the road that got you here - to see your...

Slowing Down Summer

Happy Monday! How is your summer going? July always seems to go so fast. Ironic, because it's opposite February, the shortest month, which seems to last forever. Is it strange that my mind is drawn to winter when it’s almost 90° outside? Perhaps not, because...

It’s Time to Connect

Happy Monday! And Happy July! We’ve made it through half the year. Always hard to believe, isn’t it? The kids are out of school. Summer is in full force. This past week, I found myself surprised. It felt like the warm weather took forever to arrive, and then ‘poof’ -...

What Season are You in?

Happy Monday! Happy Summer! I hope you enjoyed the Solstice and the transition into another beautiful summer season. I know not everyone loves summer. Depending on where you live, it may be uncomfortable. I think every season has its own level of discomfort. I believe...

The Head and the Gut

Happy Monday! What’s on your mind? My mind has been busy as usual, attempting to bring reason to the natural flow my energy likes to follow. I’m sure you’ve heard of the dilemma between the head and the heart. The head likes to follow rationality, which I refer to as...

Happy June

Hello, hello!I hope it's a happy Monday for you.And if you're week is starting out not as grand as you'd like, that's why you're here: to pause, to gather yourself, and to begin again.Let’s take that deep breath the body craves. Notice what you're feeling. Accept even...

Showing Up

Happy Monday! How are you? I’m feeling really good this morning after our Creating Space Within Zoom call. If you’d like to enjoy replay, you can find it in our facebook group → Facebook Group. I shared about how it can feel difficult to show up on a Monday. That...

Mindfully Preparing For the Week

Happy Monday! How are you? Are you ready for the new week ahead? I had a moment of tension this morning as I was making my coffee. Even before fully awakening, my mind raced through the upcoming week's tasks and engagements, leaving me overwhelmed and anxious about...

Embracing the Present

Hello! Happy Monday! I missed you last week. I was on a fantastic journey along the East Coast, from the hustle of New York down to the warmth of Florida and back again. It was just me and my husband, leaving the kids behind for nine days of adventure and relaxation....

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